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    Oficina de Turismo Comarcal de Urola Garaia

    Located a few meters from one of the main tourist resources of the region, the Ermita de la Antigua, it offers tourist information about the region, Gipuzkoa and the rest of the Basque Country. Likewise, it also has information related to the Ignatian Way, being one of the points where the pilgrim can obtain and seal the credential. It has a small space for selling local products and as it is integrated within the same architectural complex as the La Antigua Interpretation Centre, it is the point of sale for tickets. Likewise, it shares space with different exhibitions.

    Dirección: Antigua Beloki Hiribidea, s/n, 20700 Zumarraga
    Tel: 943 72 20 42

    Opening hours:
    Monday closed
    Tuesday to Friday 10:30 – 14:30
    Saturday 11:00 – 14:30  /  16:30 – 18:30
    Sunday 10:30 – 14:30

    Oficina de Turismo de Mirandaola

    Además de la oficina de turismo comarcal principal situada en Zumarraga, Urola Garaia tiene una segunda oficina en Legazpi.

    Dirección: Mirandaola Parkea, Barrio Telleriarte, 20230 Legazpi
    943 73 04 28